Friday, August 24, 2012

Eric and Angel - Zombies Affiliate

Angelo Rush lifted his dark sunglasses as he watched the white numbers on the old fuel pump style revolve around for what seemed like an hour. He looked down the empty street as he filled the tank of his 1987 Cadillac. His blue eyes he rushed back and forth as he watched closely the movements of every person coming and going from the street mini-mart. She wondered to herself if any of these people could be part of the terror that has just experienced. Where are all these people go, or better still what they were leaving behind, he thought. For many it was a family member in another room of the house or maybe work projects that should be done, instead of surfing. Others, it was their free time with their children or their hopes and dreams, all left behind.

Angel stood there taking the handle of the gun gas as she continued to fill the tank with one hand, the other in his jacket pocket of his red tracksuit, firmly holding a pepper spray device as full of meaning municipality that has been assigned to his key chain. He caught a reflection of herself in the big race to the bottom of the glass mini-mart. Even after surfing for 4 hours straight with those things that chased her from every direction, you could still see that Angel was a very beautiful woman. But a 5'7 "blonde with model looks like it is hard to miss even though she has been crying all her make-up away.

The slender blonde focused back on the numbers white hills and the sound of the bell, as every gallon tank went into the bottomless decent. The combination of the two nearly went into a trance-like state. Suddenly, a loud voice broke her of her sleep.

"Yo Hubba Bubba Gum have been in there, please note that Angelo is not it?" The voice said.

In the midst of information Hicksville, a voice like that could only belong to one person, his cousin Eric Rush. He had a thick New York accent, although he had left long ago to move to the west side of the web to join Angel. She looked at Eric and now speed walking to his car with hands full of bags.

"We must get out of here," he whispered as he approached her. "One of them is in there," he cried.

To the right along behind Eric through the mini-mart was a man in a suit and tie,
"You have to try my program," he cried! His face was bloody and zombie-like.
"My program will get you to financial freedom! That's where you're trying to do is not it?"
"Hey, you guys back here, give me your name and e-mail so I can put on my list," he cried.

Angel let out a yell: "Go away from us there Zombie affiliate program!"

Eric now the machine has reached for the gun tester feedback that was sitting in the backseat. He quickly turned and pointed it at the zombies affiliate program. He looked at the screen as a flash - bad program .... ... scam scam scam .... ... scam .... scam.

"Your program is a scam! Press the browser's back the Angel".

"Eric's not good, is giving us pop-ups that keep us from leaving his page," replied Angelo
"He took us and we can not escape," he concluded.

Are you tired of being chased all over the internet by zombies and vampires MLM affiliate program? Each landing page trying to hold you until you give them your information? Do not you wish you had a gun tester feedback, such as Eric to let you know when a program is a scam or rip off? We do not have a pistol bullet, but we have the best thing to do, the knowledge. Follow the adventures of Angel and Eric and to obtain some information about the right way to start your new internet business ....

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