Sunday, August 26, 2012

Do not leave negative feedback on eBay you're feeling down

Remember the student who complained to the school (or even
he cried), because it only got a mark of ninety-nine per cent on
a task or test. Meanwhile, some of us were raised
(If you do not ecstatic) to have simply moved on.

I actually saw a case in which the student of mathematics
insisted that it was not wrong. On recheck the test,
the teacher realized the answer sheet was wrong and not the
student. The student has achieved a hundred percent correct.

Realistically, however, most of us human beings is not possible
expect to get a perfect brand or mark every time.

First of all, none of us is perfect. We all make mistakes.

Secondly, unlike mathematics, some individuals are more subjective
in nature. In some subjects, the answer to a question
can not be simply right or wrong. The teacher may have more
latitude in how the votes are calculated. The teacher
can even (consciously or unconsciously) increase or
decrease the rating depending on whether they like it (or
your attitude) or not.

Similarly, in business, you can not please everyone all
the time.

In Internet auction eBay or other, will not be able
to satisfy everyone. Even if you have one hundred percent
positive feedback on eBay now, in the end you have to fall.

Not all your customers are happy with you
the time. You could make a mistake resulting in unhappy
customer. Sometimes factors beyond your control, such as
lost a shipment) can cause a negative feedback.

Occasionally, you might even get a customer who is
unreasonable. If he leaves you a negative feedback, sometimes
all you can do is leave a negative feedback in return.
This is not so much as an act of retaliation, but it is more
a matter of presenting your side of the story.

Sometimes, a customer has a legitimate complaint. More
Sometimes the client has jumped the gun and did not give you
a good opportunity to resolve the issues. It is also possible
that your client is a sadist who enjoys
harass others.

Regardless, you can make the offer to agree mutually to
withdraw negative feedback from one another.

If you both agree and follow the eBay process, the negative
feedback will be removed from both total scores
(Thereby improving both the scores of feedback). The negative comments
they will not be removed by eBay, but even the
Reply to defend themselves.

Although this tactic to eliminate the negative feedback is not
success, at least you tried. Do not let your pride stand
in the way of trying to make peace with the client and
reverse the negative feedback.

If the client will not agree, at least you told your side
history. Let your potential customers to decide if
want to do business with you or not.

I personally like it when I see an eBay seller with a
Feedback score is perfect. Realistically though, I realize
that you simply can not please everyone. Even if you did
everything perfectly, there are still people who are just
is not reasonable.

Therefore, even if a seller has a negative feedback, if the
overwwhelming most are happy with him, I tend to
serve the few dissidents. I suggest you do the same in
assess other as yourself ....

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