Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Your mind enslaved. Emotional violence and Handling

The emotional violence suffered everyday makes you a slave, your mind becomes a slave and dependent, manipulated and enter a state of near "sleepiness" where you can not think or act for yourself. This state of mind could be called a slave, is an advanced state of psychological, is having missed the situations from the beginning, from the subtle to the most serious.

Reading this article you will see how thoughts and actions internal and external, will create a slave mind and your mind is transformed into a prison where everything seems to be obstacles in your life. But there is the exit.

You will achieve real freedom when your mind is free. As mentioned the mental prison is very limiting as it does not allow you to enjoy and achieve what may come or what you can achieve. And if you decide to do something your mind slave rooted in your thoughts, do you feel an achievement as worthless and feel the results as if they remained imprisoned in the jail.

When you feel is mental oppression and feel that your thoughts are locked and you feel paralyzed and locked too, the physical freedom you can have no value. You are free only when your mind is free. The great aim of every human being is able to change yourself, change your way of thinking. And this will also depend on the confidence you have to yourself and begin to change you to free yourself. For this you need to break paradigms and think well of yourself, be willing to enhance learning, overcome mental obstacles you did lay yourself and you prevailed. You break the mental traps and obstacles:

Mind of a slave. decisions must often face challenges and we encourage you, and this slave mind makes you think "and if you intend to fix the problem and it gets worse ..?" I live so limiting and do not act out of fear, and being in the permanent doubt you forget that your potential and strength to do what you set, such as leaving your emotional violence vida.Decide for yourself. When you do not choose something to your life, the other will do for you, and begin handling their own mind. This submission, dependence on others lead you to slavery, you focus on the problems, but if you control your thoughts you focus on solutions.

Slave's mind have these thoughts or ways of acting:

You feel you do not have a place to belong. You feel that you are here today and tomorrow do not know. Think the past was always better, you get attached to things and you can fall into depresiĆ³n.No good value what you have at your fingertips. Think outsiders do better, they have better things, better partners, etc.. I hardly see what you are worth, the potential tienes.Hablas small. You have to think big, do not settle for little or mediocrity. You deserve the best, and must be free of emotional violence, making big talk and think of your success that you logros.Piensas but mistakes are not. The mind of slave uses defense mechanisms with which you can not see where you failed and what you have to improve when you make a mistake. You give yourself permission to make mistakes and correct this error to move successfully toward your goal to break free and overcome violence in your partner in this caso.Tener contradictory behavior. Slave's mind makes you friendly with who abuses you, the one above you (like a boss for example) and emotionally assaulted and maltreated those below suyo.Este is the case of mothers who use violence against their children when they download rage at the abuse of his victim marido.Sentirse.

pay attention to another situation, something you like, is to take away the problem that you feel victim and thus unable to see that what you seemed impossible to solve, it does have a solution. Also when you feel you put a thousand excuses victim "will not let me go" "rain" "I live far away." According as we think we are, we showed you. Think you will succeed to alcanzarlo.Mente exhausted. our mind protects us from the dangers but often with high demands and high levels of stress, also a product of being mired in constant psychological violence, this leads to exhaustion. The so named "Burn out Syndrome" also denotes a sense of failure and wear things overhead. Burnout is a emotionally, physically and spiritually. This brings exhaustion symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, headache, indigestion, loss of memory, etc. Also impatience, negative thoughts and you are living down aburrimiento.Si, receiving stimuli of violence and continually nervousness, coupled with the lack of confidence in you and insecurity, are suffering from stress as a result of the manipulation of your mind by the other. I can not believe in you, your self-esteem is very low, you're always trying to please the other to prevent abuse, and so on.

these self-imposed feelings of guilt over that will foster that mind also that mind slave and exhausted that you gradually weakens.

You enslave stop, wake up and not allow you to manipulate, be free and yourself, I suggest some important actions;

Learn to stop only on the important things. in your objetivos.Aprende to say NO necesariasAprende the time to enjoy, to relajarteAprende to stay away from negative people, complicated, that no one hinder your objetivo.Aprende to break the routine, do something new, do something different for your positive energy to move. Validate yourself, validate your decisions, you must rise above the situations you play through, overcoming obstacles, free from the mind of a slave, be free! Do not leave it for later, be strong!

Visit: http://superalaviolenciaemocional.com

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