Wednesday, July 25, 2012

About the Birth Control Shot

The contraceptive injection is a reversible and effective contraceptive method. This periodic intramuscular injection of synthetic hormones (there are two types of injectable contraceptives: those that contain only progestin and combined estrogen and progestin containing) to inhibit ovulation, leading to unwanted pregnancies. It stipulates that injections can be monthly, bimonthly or quarterly, depending on the observations of the specialist who may prescribe. The effectiveness of this contraceptive method depends on the frequency with which injections are provided, the risk of unintended pregnancy increased by omitting only one of them. This method of contraception is 99% if strictly observed if all indications.

The first injections were developed for use quarterly and bimonthly. In the late sixties they added an estrogen trying to improve the cycle, but with a high hormone content, better known as first generation injectable. Until the early eighties began to develop injections that could be delivered monthly and contain lower doses of hormones, so-called second generation, with regular cycles and additional benefits to health of women.

It is estimated that 48 percent of Latin American women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years) does not use any contraceptive method for planning your family. The injections are among the safest contraceptive methods and in many cases help to improve the quality of life of women meets the physical needs and lifestyle and contribute to an optimal family planning. Its use helps to relieve some discomfort as the female menstrual cramps and pain, reduce the risk of the formation of cysts in the ovaries, also prevents conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause infertility (40%) , cancer of the ovaries and endometrium (40% well) decreases the incidence of benign breast disease and lower the incidence of anemia reduces iron deficiency (50%). In a first time user should start the treatment on the first day of menstrual bleeding, the following subsequent injections should be given every 30 days with extreme accuracy, preferably on the same date of the first injection. There is a tolerance of two or three days before or two or three days after the date concerned.

It is recommended that women with heart, liver, hypertension, smoking or growing (as reduced bone density) using this method of contraception. Some of the most significant drawbacks of the injections is that it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so it should be combined with other contraceptive methods that do not contraindicate, promotes weight gain which will force users to maintain an food to help them stay healthy. It can also cause headaches, acne, general malaise, and decreased sexual libido. Besides amenorrhea, ie, reduction or elimination of menstrual flow.

It is also important to note that clients who wish to restore their fertility, they can do in the next two or three months after that stop these injections. It is this reversibility, which makes this device in one of the safest ways for women to consider all these praises aspects of proper planning and that fits your life expectancy.

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