Monday, July 23, 2012

Fertility Tool

This is a new tool to help you know your fertility cycle, and you will be aware these days that are more convenient to get pregnant.

This tool aims to be a help to all women who are in the planning stage of pregnancy.

To use the tool of fertility must first know how the Billings method and basal body temperature, as the data - you have to enter your cycle day-graphic and show you the day of ovulation and those in which you are most fertile.

For this first you must know is:

Billings Method

Basically, the Billings method is based on the observation of cervical mucus. This, by its appearance and the sensation is able to warn if the woman is in the fertile period of your cycle or not.

This type of family planning is used by both women intending to become pregnant as those who seek a natural contraception method. When mucus indicated fertility, childbearing couples seeking relationships can have in that period, even helps in cases where women have difficulty getting pregnant. In the second case, the couple should postpone sexual activity if unwanted pregnancy.

To ensure the reliability of Billings must commit themselves to record several cycles, it is important that the record of the characteristics of cervical mucus every day, since the success of the method is related to the knowledge of the fertile periods, and according to or not to have it.

Ovulation is what establishes the fertile days in the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, it should be noted that few days of each cycle of potential fertility because ovulation occurs only one day in each cycle and the egg lives between 6 and 12 hours, with a maximum of 24 hours.

The cervical mucus changes provide information about when the woman is in her fertile or infertile. And this is produced depending on the different hormone levels, which give the specifics.

By using the Billings, the record of these observations were made at the end of each day, and reveals the fertile and infertile patterns.

The pattern of fertility is a changing pattern, while infertility is an unchanging pattern. Both are caused by hormonal patterns which control sperm survival and conception, thus providing reliable information to achieve or postpone pregnancy.

In Billings, the first record is usually 2-4 weeks and is done without genital contact, since this way the observations are not confused by any secretions attributed to sexual intercourse or genital contact.

Differences in the appearance of cervical mucus.

To observe the mucus takes some of this mucus from your vagina between your fingers and separate them so that you can see how this mucus is flexible and can stretch a few inches without breaking a trickle. Consistency will be like the white of a raw egg.

When the woman is in her fertile days, the mucus is characterized by rather dry, not usually see or feel mucus, or it will be dense, sparse and tacky. In general, these characteristics of dry or mucus to help infertile days appear to recognize two or three days after menstrual bleeding.

The first sign that it has entered into the most fertile period is that it appears more viscous mucus and, by the day, will become clear, sharpening and increase in quantity, with a look that resembles egg white . That feeling is distinguished by the lubrication that occurs in the skin of the vulva, and may also be accompanied by increased libido and sexual interest. The fertile phase begins approximately six days before ovulation.

The most fertile day of the cycle is one in which there is a greater sense of lubrication, and therefore, the day is most likely pregnant. After a month of observation becomes easier to determine that day. The sensation of lubrication can last a day or two he presence of mucus and transparent elastic characteristic of the fertile days. In this case, there is still a good chance of getting pregnant. After this period, ovulation occurs and reappears the sensation of dryness or the appearance of sticky mucus type dry infertile.

It is always important not to confuse the peak day of mucus secretion of the most fertile day, because what matters are the characteristics of it. On the other hand, the menstrual period is unique to each woman, so first priority is to know know the body.


To measure basal body temperature you can use a conventional mercury thermometer. Every day, upon awakening, ideally without making sudden movements and without speaking, measure the temperature in anal or vaginal sex for five minutes. For this, it is highly advisable to leave the thermometer ready to be used the night before.

Note that the basal temperature is particularly sensitive, and must have slept for at least three hours for the measurement result is correct. Also, try to always use the same thermometer, so you can be sure that there are variations in the measure.

Once you take the temperature should register in a table, and when the cycle ends you will see the graphic form. The temperature taken during the first day of menstruation remains low until the middle of the period, but then rises sharply, about 0.5 ° C. This peak indicates that ovulation has finished the previous day and you're in your fertile period.

The temperature stays high until a few days before the next period, as the cycle begins again.

With the basal temperature curve as a reference can know what the most fertile days of the following month. To this must be taken as ovulation day prior to the post ovulatory peak.

The most fertile period of the woman is from three days before ovulation and a day later.

If you use this online herramieta just have to enter this link:

1 comment:

  1. I have heard about those fertility tools but have not used them on myself except the pregnancy planning method. It was a great experience for me. I hope there will be some of the women who will be able to use that method as well.
