Friday, July 27, 2012

Historical Research Techniques

Every generation thinks again about the history and within each person to make history again. History is made from the present to the present. You can interpret data already known or to cancel them. Among the various techniques to investigate the history we have:

1) History of Historiography: the science of history studied herself, examines several cases depending on the time and place, plus all the disciplines of history. History is written history. Study What is history?, And if it rebuilds.

Erodoto and used, and is accepted as a subject in the twentieth century. History is the only social science that aims at studying the past. We propose to study what was the contribution of the background of history and science. He studied at each author of various disciplines, as these authors have understood in the past history, what role they played. History of Historiography, makes criticism of the authors above and foregoing. In addition to studying the authors also studied the schools, influences and works analyzes the characteristics of the contents to see if the author tells the truth.

The theories are products of the mind of man. The fonts are history, without which no story. Through the theoretical and observational elements, it must justify the work. 2) The Paleography: The study of ancient writing , according to its etymology, Palio means "old" and graphy means "write." Throughout the time of writing how it changes. The letters may have a different spelling. The Paleography studies abbreviations in documents of value, if legitimate. The king decided that certain letters to document.

In the tenth and thirteenth official documentation of Spain, the letter will prevail Carolingian (Charlemagne was the author), this letter is characterized by its clarity, unlike the letter was illegible Merovingian (as studies have shown that was due to political reasons). The monks continued to use the German Gothic script.

3) The Diplomat: is the science of the diploma, the document. Performs internal and external criticism of the document, such as font, size, manner of speaking, etc.Estudia if the document is authentic or not, the type of paper, the form of writing in different centuries and discourse; entering the fourth technique 4) The Linguistics, which is responsible for text analysis. science is considered a subsidiary ledger of history (wider), includes the critical diploma (document).

5) References: classical authors are used, "Introduction to the Study of History", "Methodology of history", and so on. 6) Numismatics: the study of coins, medals, not a science in itself . 7) The Herald is the study of the shields. 8) The epigraphy, studying the inscriptions located on the front of the buildings, the headings of the books, writing or chapters.

9) The Chronology: is the science that seeks to determine the order and dates of historical events, is to the extent and exact division of time in different countries, and the distribution of past events according to their relations of simultaneity or succession. is the science of measurement and computation time. Etymologically Chronos means "time" and logos meaning "computing." Pura There chronology based on astronomical principles (aspects of the chronology in general) and the chronology Applied History.

10) hermeneutics is the interpretation of texts. 11) Oral history: it is used in the questionnaire or interview. 12) Genealogy: is the science that studies the origins. 13) Geography, 14) The Sigillography: Latin sigillum meaning "seal" and the Greek Graph, which means "describe."

Auxiliary Science of History is the description and study of the seal, particularly the Middle Ages. 15) The historical demography. 16) The Heuristics: euriskein Greek meaning "find." It is the science of investigation and deduction applied to a particular branch of logic. I invite you to visit the Digital Library where you'll find items of proven quality for your personal and spiritual development: Work Out ( training), Health (Natural Treatments), Sports, Entertainment, Computing, Languages, and more.


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