Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rating: Parentheses


1. Parentheses

1.1. Information or clarifications

Parentheses are used to enclose information or clarifications on the subject of the talk: names, places, dates, meaning of acronyms, abbreviations, explanations, scientific names, definitions or explanations of foreign terms, references to specific passages of a book, a author or work in question, in theatrical stage directions and other information or notes. Examples:

Carlos V (Don John of Austria) was called "The Son of thunderbolt of war." It seems that in Teos (Asia Minor) all levels of education were borne by the Government XIII.El century Lazarillo de Tormes ( 1554) is the first picaresque novel española.Ya at the time of the Antonines (XII century) the State with an anti-vital supremacy gravitates on sociedad.Una NGO (nongovernmental organization) must be, in principle, a non profit lucro.La loc. adv. (Adverb) is a phrase invariable.El wolf (Canis lupus) is one of the great hunters of the Yukon Territory canadiense.La typing (typewriter) is very útil.Como said Caesar, "Alea IACT est" (Luck is cast). For this function the parentheses, the Royal Academiaaclara that are used "to insert some data or precision" (SAR 99, pg. 73). It has been announced (I, 1/14/80) that the new highway will open in combating mayo.Sobre eagle and the serpent (Iliad, XIII, 200 ff), there is a good analysis in the work of ... "more quintessential act that jumbles" (Grace). Then came the work Bonilla, Erasmus in Spain (1907). Don Sebastian, his partner (other than in a low voice): --- This is getting worse every día.José Martí (1835-1895) was one of the founders of the modernist movement literatura.Antes in the above (see page 98). that this is a excepción.He received the amount of one thousand (1,000) balboas.Valle Inclan, in his Autumn Sonata (p. 191), writes in short periods.

1.2. Incidental or explanatory expressions

Parentheses are used to enclose explanatory or incidental expressions that interrupt the sense and turn of speech, especially if they are long or are digressions that have little relation to earlier or later. Examples:

Lieutenant Juarez (this great man was born in revolution Mexicana) was an enigmatic man severo.Las vacation (always so nice, is not it?) Pronto.Era start a book of my childhood (perhaps of many children ) and told a series of stories about individuals who launched the truculentas.Él was slander (God forgive him), with the sole purpose of desacreditarme.El Telma's father (in his youth was an eminent scientist) looked like a statue standing at the entrance of the puerta.Para get what he wanted (to finish the race, admitted to hospital and specialize in pediatrics), did not mince esfuerzos.La work of Dr. Marañón (outstanding physician and writer) shows that it is possible to grow points simultaneously and ciencias.En the "Official Gazette" (the government prints a day) came yesterday decreto.En that year (I am referring to 1776) opened an important chapter for the order came from Guadalajara historia.He (that of Spain, not Mexico). These important meetings (the latter lasted nearly six hours without rest) are performed in the main hall of the empresa.La good education (this is clear) facilitates the triumph of the human being pública.Invertimos life much media advertising (TV is more expensive) and the result was such an adventure halagador.Decididos (which, incidentally, would have seemed foolish to anyone), facing all said it was peligros.Ella a mistake (and I think he was right) come from the manera.Los good friends (which are few) are known in the desgracia.Cuando read at that time (at dawn), understood everything mejor.Mi brother has discovered (great find!) you will want to study a little más.Me has caused great satisfaction (or rather, deep joy) noticia.Asegura find out that what he said without malice (and perhaps did), but everyone understood otherwise.


1.2.1. Like parentheses, stripes can be used when explaining or clarifying is a digression or have little connection to the rest of the main message, ie, to enclose marginal explanations that would interrupt the sense of what is being said. Its utility is to provide the clarity of writing.

1.2.2.Se makes more necessary the use of parentheses or dashes when there is a clarification in which they appear commas or other punctuation in these cases its use is essential to facilitate the correct interpretation of the message:

What did that day (some purchased fruit, cookies, ceramics and hard, the others only took pictures) had no great importance.

1.2.3. If a listing and some of its constituents requires internal point because it has an explanation or other series referred to it, that explanation or series may be in parentheses. If you do not use the parentheses and commas are preferred to be separated by semicolons elements of the main series. Examples:

The differences we observe in the Theatre de Alarcón, in respect of Golden Age theater, is due to its moralizing tone, to his great moderation and wisdom (which, in terms of ideas and feelings, we can describe bourgeois), and his careful construction interna.Las differences we observe in the theater de Alarcón, in respect of Golden Age theater, is due to its moralizing tone, to his great moderation and wisdom, which, in terms of ideas and feelings, we can describe bourgeois , and its careful construction interna.Para qualify an employee must take into account several aspects: a moral nature (honesty, loyalty) and other intellectual nature (reasoning, mental agility enough memory). Buy fruit (grapes, apples and cherries), vegetables (carrots, turnips and radishes), peas (garlic, onion, pepper and parsley) and cereals (wheat, rye, oats and barley).

1.2.4. Punctuation marks that correspond to the statement in which is inserted in brackets, should never be written before the opening parenthesis, are always placed after the closing. Removing the parenthetical clarification, we can more easily determine if it is a punctuation mark after the parentheses (or stripes). Examples:

He had several brothers (he was the eldest of a large family), but not seen for años.Guillermo, pretending to sleep on his couch (primarily for safety), while studying lección.Lo we did that day, that was a very hot and sunny (some purchased fruit, cookies, ceramics and hard, the others only took pictures), had no great importancia.Lo we did that day, or day of the trip (a purchase. ..) was not important. What year Creole UN (United Nations).

1.2.5. The text in parentheses has a separate score. Examples:

Catalina Ibañez (if known well, do not fall so bad) is the new director of the Ernesto empresa.La mania for collecting (which collect everything: stamps, coins, watches, pens, key chains ...) has turned his almacén.Su home in a facility for languages ​​(fluent in eight languages!) has opened many doors.

1.2.6. If the clarification in parentheses is in the midst of prayer, it is necessary to use the end point of this explanation, although constituting one complete sentence. If enlightenment is the end of the sentence (in which already marked the point) and is another sentence should be written at the end point of clarification, in parentheses, in this case, they should start with a capital of clarification. Examples:

Students who did the work (I mean history research) will expose the next martes.Laoriginalidad of the invention (can there be also in the disposition and elocution) is usually to appeal to the experience, to present light things so personal, so full of feeling itself, which the reader feel that as auténtico.En general, common sense will get to write, is condemned in advance to write nonsense. (This is what happens, for example, some school, to expose how the solar system or how to perform digestion, pretend a dream in which God reveals to those wonders.

1.2.7. Sometimes it becomes necessary to use dashes and parentheses in the same sentence. If there is incidental or parenthetical expressions that contain the same type, should make use of the stripes. Examples:

Since this crime happened (it was two years ago - I still remember! - When not live here), I have not left the house in the noches.Después of this descent into their world and their solitude, so you should give time to become a poet. (Just feel --- --- as said you could live without writing, not to afford it at all.) As for the name of our language, the problem (which achieved great virulence in Latin America, where virtually extinct today: some countries - including Mexico - called "Spanish" the language in its Constitution, and others, "Castilian", and some simply "national language") is intensified with during the discussions constitucionales.En novel The Drowned Solarte gives us (to paint the landscape of Bocas del Toro and its people, mostly blacks of West Indian origin, viewed with contagious sympathy) pages of great beauty.

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