Monday, September 10, 2012

Leadership and initiative are synonymous

Initiative is defined by as "an action or step; main action:. To take the initiative to make friends" I define as "the ability to take the necessary steps, on your own free will, who gets the job done. " I believe that the initiative is one of the elements that set apart from real people. It's not whether you have the initiative or not, everyone is capable of it, is if you use it or not. This is what defines artists as well as non-actors.

Initiative is a strong word that every employee wants that in their performance evaluations. Many people put in their curriculum as a standard adjective. Unfortunately, a good portion of them do not even know what it means to take the initiative. It is not just to take the first step is to take the first step in something productive, which makes sense. Jonathan Winters was nailed to the personal initiative when he said: "If the ship does not arrive, swim to it!"

You must be willing to take the first step and have the stamina to follow your initiative to its conclusion. lists, as a synonym for the word of the leadership initiative. It should be no surprise that the leadership and initiative are similar. A good leader knows the meaning of the initiative, the initiative, and has the stamina to perform fully its initiative. Take time today and use the initiative to get something positive done for the organization or your career. Be described as someone with "initiative" is a great complement, but a complement that must be earned .......

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