Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Build Successful Strategic Alliances

First of all, what is a strategic alliance? A strategic alliance is a partnership, a partnership agreement and / or a relationship between two or more companies or organizations formed to pursue a set of agreed objectives, while remaining independent companies or organizations. Strategic alliances present in a variety of shapes and sizes and include a wide range of areas of levels of cooperation. Strategic alliances usually are most effective when those involved have complementary strengths.

Here are the ten (10) has suggested actions to take to build strategic alliances to succeed.

1. Develop a strategy for winning the covenant which comes from the distinctive competencies and competitive advantages of the partners selected target market (s).

2. Develop clearly defined goals for the alliance to ensure that there will be a goal difference or conflict between the alliance partners.

3. Recruit and select a strategic partner based on your focused winning strategy, your goals and objectives and your value system.

4. Develop an effective structure with a clear purpose to govern and manage the alliance.

5. Develop basic skills in collaboration and search for people who already have a proven ability to work in a collaborative environment.

6. Prepare to proactively manage the challenges of cultural companies that can arise between the alliance partners.

7. Respecting and protecting the brand of each partner.

8. Determine and align the right decisions to determine which decisions are important for the alliance, which should make their partners and how decisions will be implemented and monitored.

9. Develop basic skills in change management to participate more effectively in a flexible, adaptable strategic alliance.

10. Develop and agree an exit strategy for the alliance. It 'important to have agreement in advance on how the alliance will be concluded, if and when it might fail and / or when it has accomplished its mission and achieve its goals and objectives .......

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