Saturday, August 4, 2012

Pastors In Politics, What Does the Bible?

Ps. Alexis Fernando Jimenez Silence. The auditorium filled. Expectation. Cold. The air conditioning was too high. An occasional spectator at his watch. He would be a historic moment in that assembly of churches. - I smell lamb, like you, my dear fellow servants. Only now am a Lord's call to enter the world of politics. Remember what the Bible says: "When the righteous rule the people rejoice" - said the Rev. Robert, his voice carefully modulated so that they could print an air of importance at that time. Nobody said anything. One or two said under his breath, but eventually left the place with the expectation of what would happen in the next election. On Sunday the pastor preached to the crowd Roberto early hours of the morning, taking an occasional verse to emphasize their aspirations to reach the Provincial Department. From Monday until Saturday he developed his proselytizing. It was strange to see in the neighborhoods handing out flyers touting their proposals to the government. Of course, showing that he was a Christian because at the end of the messages, noted his status as pastor.

He lost the election. By an overwhelming percentage. He fell from the cloud in which he walked. But it was harder to face reality: many of those gathered in the church were gone. Only natural. In every congregation there are people of different political currents, which must be respected and will not conceive or to accept the compromise their religious leader, or press to vote for him. Common policy today has become a dangerous temptation for countless pastors and leaders with congregations in charge. At the end of the day influence and nothing better than having these followers have known them as preachers and guides and not as politicians - to invite you to bear in his favor. More dangerous still, politicians, aware of this situation, which anteaters, sniff and identify what church leaders have greater recognition and, of course, potential voters, to sell the proposal to launch a public office. Many have succumbed to the stimulus and face terrible consequences. What does the Bible say? Before taking any decision to the possibility of entering the world of politics, pastors, workers and leaders should examine the biblical perspective.

And if after reading what the Scriptures say, decide to continue in its purpose, leaving the ministry. It is conceivable that someone used the pulpit and the recognition gained in its development of the Church, to win votes. The apostle Paul explained that governments were instituted by God, leaving it clear that it is a specific role, other than a call made to pastors, teachers, apostles, prophets and evangelists: "Everyone must submit himself to the authorities, because there is no authority that God has not prepared, so those that exist have been established by him. "(Romans 13:1, NIV) Clearly, if the policy was healthy exercise in the world, according to his ruling would will, because it is His prerogative to define who will have the lead in legislative office or in a country, state or city: "He changes times and seasons, deposes kings and sets. gives wisdom to the wise and prudent, discernment. "(Daniel 2:21, NIV) Are you tempted to get actively involved in politics? Remember, as well as have read, the calling of God are irrevocable. And specifically the ministry .-- (Romans 11:29, Philippians 3:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:11, 2 Timothy 1:9, Hebrews 3:1) But in Scripture we learn something else from the position that exercises public either governmental or in the field of legislation, as Congressmen, Members or Councillors, are specifically dedicated to this work: "That's why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's service, dedicated to governing." (Romans 13:6, NIV) No one can serve two masters: the ministry and politics (Luke 16:3).

Or are you convinced of your call to serve the Lord Jesus in his work, or you do proselytizing. Everything in this life is ephemeral, plus those things of the world, and politics (1 John 12:15-17). Am I against, as a minister of God, that policy is made? Not at all. What I think is rather that members of the congregation, with the specific vocation, those who do venture into the political world. If proposals are good, sensible and Christian principles will win voters. It is good that pastors and leaders use their endowment to catch votes. Why, my dear brothers and sisters who share this duality, do not give up the pastorate if both his love for souls to serve from the secular? Let's face because they want to ensure no risk. If they lose the election, still in the church, as usual. And that's not fair to the Christians who gather to rely on his leadership, and men committed to work full time. Political power shifted to God for centuries in many countries there has been a marriage between the traditional church, Catholic, and political power. And many statements favor those in power.

However, to excel at something they do not accept that the priests are candidates in politics. Something sensible. But evangelicals, many of which spare no effort to criticize not only fallen in love with politics but taken out of context verses from the Bible to support their secular aspirations.

What does the Bible say? That God's original purpose was that the people chosen are governed by the exercise of judges or prophets. But when Israel came into contact with other nations, asked the king. To this is added the fact that the two sons of the prophet Samuel were not doing their work. The Word tells us that "When Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons as governors of Israel, based in Beersheba. The eldest son was named Joel, and the second Abijah. But neither followed the example of his father but they both let themselves be guided by greed, accepting bribes and perverted justice. So gathered the elders of Israel and went to Ramah to talk to Samuel. They said, "You have grown old now, and your sons do not follow your example. Better us a king to govern us, as do all nations. "" (1 Samuel 8:1-5, NIV). The community of that time believed that administration should religious secular leaders. Made a decision that although it was unfortunate, not rejected God. At the end of the day, He respects our determinations. To us to bear the consequences of any option that we bow.

It is clear that having a king, ran counter to the plan of God for the Israelites, but it was they who decided: "When they told him they wanted a king, Samuel was displeased. So he prayed to the Lord, but the Lord said, "seriously consider what the people tell you. Actually, you do not have rejected you, but to me, because I do not want to rule over them. We are trying the same way I have treated me since the day I brought them out of Egypt until today. I have left to serve other gods. So let them case, but clearly warn them of the power that the king will have on them. "" (1 Samuel 8:6-9, NIV) The question is, was it desirable that they would change in his scheme to governmental ? Of course not. A king was quite secular, in line with managing other people giving to their destinations. Political power and the world When we go to the book of Deuteronomy chapter 17 from verse 14 onwards, we find that God warned the Israelites what would happen when they were under the direction of a king.

"" When you take possession of the land that gives the Lord thy God, and base yourself if you ever say, "I have on me a king who governs me, just like all the nations that surround me," make sure King named as one of your own people, one that the Lord your God chooses. Do not accept any foreigner as king or abroad. "(Deuteronomy 17:14, 15, New International Version) Carefully read the text. States that the ruler must come from the Israelites themselves, but said the Lord had to be chosen from the priests and Levites. It was a totally different job with different roles and goals that differ from each other. He should be essentially the secular realm, but guided by principles of the Word. Do not believe anyone top-incidentally I worry about the pastors and leaders who rules the pride and arrogance, and should be fair (verses 16 to 20). Politics should not be mixed with the ministry of King Uzziah's life is remarkable in the history of the people of Israel. ruled in Judah. ​​He lived in Jerusalem. Contemporary prophets Isaiah, Hosea, Zechariah and Amos.

He led that position for 52 years. However, when consolidated, mixed politics with religion. He could not differentiate a role of the other. In this conviction, knowing that one was the call to be king and property other than to minister before God entered into the temple to offer incense: "However, when it increased its power, Uzziah became arrogant, which led to misfortune. He rebelled against the Lord God of their fathers, and dared to enter the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar. Behind him came the high priest Azariah, along with eighty priests of the Lord, all men brave, who confronted him and said, "His Majesty is not for the Lord and burn incense. This is a function of priests descended from Aaron, because it is they who are consecrated to burn incense. Get out of the sanctuary right now because he has sinned, and so the Lord God will not honor it. "This enraged Uzziah, who had a censer in hand ready to offer incense. But at that very moment, there in the temple the Lord by the altar of incense before the priests, his forehead covered with * leprosy.

Seeing that Uzziah was a leper, Azariah the chief priest and other priests were expelled from there in a hurry. Moreover, he hurried out, because the Lord had punished him. "(2 Chronicles 26:16-20, New International Version) I invite you to free from all prejudice, study the passage. God combines with the religious political exercise and it is clear that is not their full satisfaction, which a pastor or leader, who preached from a pulpit - take advantage of this privilege for centuries position. Or you are a pastor, or political. It is not right to exercise the two conditions. ministers and administrators, when the two come together? The early church was plunged into a conflict situation. In the Bible we read that "In those days, increasing the number of disciples, complained Greek-speaking Jews against the Aramaic-speaking because their widows were neglected in the daily food. So the Twelve gathered all the community of disciples and said, "It is wrong to us to neglect the ministry of the Word of God to serve tables. Brethren, select from among you seven men of good reputation, filled the Spirit and of wisdom, to entrust this responsibility.

So we will devote ourselves fully to prayer and the ministry of the word. '"(Acts 6:1-4, NIV) The disciples were very clear is to specify that they devote" himself to prayer and ministry the word "(verse 4) was his priority. Also, were aware of their calling. And what about bi-vocational pastors? It's something different. I am bi-vocational ministers-one and professional work with the government of my country are those professionals who were called to pastoral ministry, but continue to exercise for centuries for two reasons: first, the congregation does not have enough money to hire them on time full second, consider living Christ can also be done from the secular, as it should. The apostle Paul himself worked making tents campaign to not be a burden to the brethren of the churches, and still practiced preaching. Needed for the workplace, no votes, however those engaged in politics, if needed, and if they seize their roles as ministers or leaders fail in Christian ethics. To God what is God ... I invite you to read me a revealing passage from the Gospel that will help us conclude the theme: "Then the Pharisees went and plotted how to tend a trap Jesus in his own words.

They sent some of his disciples with the Herodians, who told him, 'Teacher, we know you're a man of integrity and teach the way of God according to truth. Do not let yourself be influenced by anyone because you do not look at appearances. Have your say: Is it permissible to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Knowing their malice, Jesus said, - hypocrite! Why I tend * cheat? 19 Show me the coin for the tax. And she taught .- Who are the image and superscription? Preguntó.-les-respondieron. Caesar-Then Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's. Upon hearing this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away. "(Matthew 22:15-22, NIV) Please tell me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that the dear Lord Jesus Christ knew distinguish politics from religion. And since He is our spiritual authority, I believe there is no place to many disquisitions. The decision of many pastors and leaders widely recognized, to venture into the political world rather than profit, has generated grumbling. Value your ministerial calling, or stay in the secular exercise in which you can have equal footing with aspiring collegiate bodies and public officials.

Do not let it confuse our testimony of faith in Jesus Christ with the use of privileges to direct public opinion in our favor. Conclusion is that my approach sparked controversy. I recognize and accept. However, I am willing to take the healthy debate because I think it appropriate to raise voices clearly put such sensitive issues as the development of the church's prophetic role of proclaiming Jesus Christ in front of the commitment to be from the government, not to preach but to manage, as is its true essence. I pray to God for the life of each one of you ... And that is God himself who shed light on the subject, if anyone, be it a pastor or leader in office - still persists in defending their aspirations in the field of policy. © Ps. Alexis Fernando Jimenez - Contact (057) 317-4913 705 Email Blog

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