Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Take the Right Web Hosting Company
You have decided to build yourself a website. Do you know what you want your site is about, you have some possible names for the selected site in your head, and hopefully are still available. Do you know what you want your site to look like. But, you are wondering how to actually get it on the internet. Have you read some articles that explain that you need a web host to put your site on the world-wide-web. Now the real problem arises. How do you choose a web hosting company that is best suited for what you need?
There are hundreds of web hosting companies out there. Each of them claims to have the best prices and best service. You have searched for information on the internet that may clue on how to choose. It may also have had the good fortune to come across an article from someone commenting on a great experience with their hosting company.
Choosing a web hosting company can be intimidating. You have to choose between the amount of storage space required, the number of mailboxes you can set how many accounts you can have FTP, SQL database, control panels, sub-domains, and the list goes on. Each company usually offers different levels of all these to meet your needs and then multiply that time all the different companies out there. This is a lot of research to do. Some companies offer free programs to build the website as part of the package. Some also offer programs in which you say what you want and will build it for you. Most companies offer free domains and your names. The more the monthly package is more free then the names you get, usually.
I thought it was important to write this article because I was overwhelmed when I was building my site. I ended up going with Seemed to offer the most for your money. Well, one thing that did not come with the package was the customer service. Their service is terrible. I talked to them 4 times since signing with them. Each time I did not have an answer to my question for the moment I put the phone down. At the end I just got so aggravated their unwillingness to help me with my problem that I ended the call and just tried to solve by myself, which usually ended up understanding. I bought a package with a large number of storage because I wanted to build a nice sized site and would not run out of space. Well, I have well over 100 pages to my site so far, I have pictures, video and multiple items. I have not even used 1% of my storage space yet. I plan to other sites in the future, but I do not think I will ever use all the space. 15,000 MB of space and I've used MB 18:40 to date.
My site has a handful of Web sites hosted on it. I tried to add the ones I've heard good things, since he signed with However, since I have not spoken with their service people really can not say for sure if they are better than Here is a comparison between some of the companies that you can find on my site. This is only a guideline to explain what to look for. I'm not recommending one company over another, and I'm not recommending any of these sites compared to others on the internet.
Comparison: is a perfect example of some of the differences. This particular company offers very cheap monthly rates, but adds in many of the supplements I mentioned above as part of their rate. They offer additional cost per month. So if you are looking for something fancy this may be ideal for you, because if you need the services that are available. If you do not need, do not pay for them. Their plan is cheaper than $ 6 a month. Some of the prices of services are as follows: $ 4 per month for additional domains. $ 1/month for using Frontpage (the program of construction of the site). $ 0.50 for each subdomain, and the list goes on. This site offers 6 floors with prices ranging from $ 6 to $ 68 per month. The most expensive package includes most of the extras as part of their monthly fees. - offer a very simple hosting for $ 3.95 per month. This is one of the cheapest I came across, but I see that there are all the extras available if you need it, which differs from the first site we looked at. Their most expensive plan is only $ 19.95, but if compared to the first site I think that would be comparable to their package around that price. There is no mention of tools on site while being available. So, you need to find a free online website builder (which are usually quite limited), or you must buy your own. - a quick look at this site seems to offer only one program. Maybe you can customize during the enrollment process, but I was not going to sign-up to find out. The home page on their website says $ 6.95 per month.
The most important piece of advice I can give anyone looking at this is to not be sucked in by all the stuff they offer, if you do not need it. Secondly, some of the tributes that have are not useful in any case, because in reality do not work. An example would be search engine tools. They claim to submit your site to hundreds or thousands of search engines. I saw one who offered to over 700,000 search engines. Who knew there were so many? They can submit the site to search engines, but that does not help you. It may take up to 6 weeks for the search engine just review and is not even a guarantee they will index your site. If they do index it, can never be seen, it may fall on page 250 of 250 pages for a search word.
There many other effective tools out there to get a high ranking in search engines. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information on other products, or keep an eye out for future articles. I wish you good luck with your website. This is an interesting hobby (at least for me). You make mistakes when you start out, I did a lot and continue to do it. Hopefully this article will help you avoid some of the ones I did....
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