Saturday, August 4, 2012
Surviving Change In The World
Change yourself to connect with their spiritual source
IMPROVE YOUR CONSCIENCE What is consciousness?
The state of being conscious, is the consciousness of his own existence, sensations, thoughts, environment, etc.. And mental activity that a person is conscious. This is the higher mental body over the mind that the person be contacted.
What are our bodies of energy? Our physical body has seven chakras (see page 12) in the "Lower Mental Body? And exists in our etheric field. Our etheric field is the energy center of our being. The next body we have is the emotional , extending about three feet away from our etheric body. Our "Body Mental Mayor? is where there are higher levels of consciousness.
What emotions, thoughts and attitudes influence their level of consciousness? Your consciousness attracts exactly what you are feeling driven by the thoughts, attitudes and the general mentality. If you feel positive and have happy thoughts is what will attract. Any thought of transmission with a manifest sense a reflection of what it has generated.
We are often aware of how much time and mental energy spent on negative thoughts and feelings that result. We are so used to the negativity that we are essentially unaware of what we are doing to ourselves. Therefore, an important aspect of raising awareness is to first be aware of self-criticism self constantly and hear what you think in your head.
Ask yourself "What is the potential of my conscience?" Know yourself well. If not, how can you develop your consciousness to manifest a better life? To raise your consciousness, you should begin to observe yourself and see your own strengths and weaknesses, skills and abilities, tendencies and desires. In this way, you eliminate what you do not like about yourself, create new beliefs, habits and behaviors.
By raising and expand your consciousness, you will realize that we are all united here on earth. While this is more evident, a thorough knowledge of the environment is formed.
To raise your awareness there are ways to expand a number of things while increasing the depth of understanding you have about who and what you are. It is the first step to enlightenment, which begins with the experience of what many refer to their "spiritual origin?.
Imagine your new reality awoke with much detail and as much as possible. Imagine beautiful places in your mind, where you have the freedom to learn and find out about any aspect of life or the universe.
The imagination is a powerful part to expand consciousness. The ability to create images to know that you can. It is the root of all our inspiration as well as new ideas appear. When compared to a muscle, imagination upon exercise strengthens and stretches. The more you allow yourself to use your ability to project images, your ability becomes stronger and more productive.
Together, the images you have created feelings of gratitude and form a powerful field of attraction and begin to create these experiences with knowledge that will open and be transformed his mind and heart.
The secret is to feel and express gratitude to practice as often as possible and get into the habit of refusing to let the unpleasant circumstances exist in your path. By creating visions and gratitude, always focus on the state you want to achieve. This will condition to look for things related to the lighting you are creating, be prepared for them and prepared to perceive and receive them when they arise. Its goals are fully achievable.
How are the gifts that come with the expansion of consciousness as intuition or clairvoyance?
When you begin to expand your awareness up, his powers are developed and their farms are cleared slowly, and its higher powers begin to manifest. As this process begins his confidence and power will increase to the point where you begin to see everything differently. Their views and old habits will cease to exist and be replaced by a more rich knowledge base that replace ignorance.
Your intuition and other attributes of consciousness will sharpen. Others will see you differently, however, you will be able to function as it always has, but you have a much clearer understanding of reality.
Meditation to connect with your Spiritual Source
Meditation is a mental discipline by which the practitioner seeks to go beyond the reflexive, "thinking" in a deep state of relaxation or awareness.
In deep meditation, the meditator practicing repetition of mantras, use your consciousness to focus on a process of analysis or visualization.
Where there is peace, no happiness. When you're happy, happiness arises. The meditator does not see anything else, just want to enjoy that good feeling. When we have been practicing for a long time can become experts in entering Samadhi (higher levels of concentrated meditation) very quickly.
When the mind is quiet enough, we see the activity around us. As the mind is quiet wisdom arises. If we choose to be peaceful we shall be happy all the time, even in the most adverse conditions, but if our mind is at peace, then, even in the most pleasant external conditions we will not be happy. Therefore, it is important to train our mind through meditation and mind to live up to higher levels of consciousness.
Analytical meditation strives to understand the deeper meaning of the object of attention. Guided imagery is a technique that directs the imagination towards a conscious goal. The mind is the vehicle that offers the intentions and meditation you can direct the mind to raise awareness.
Our goal should be to join our "spiritual origin? for leading the mind upwards through the four "lifts? during this process of meditation. The four levels are: Buddha, atmic, monadic and cosmic. We must raise our consciousness sequentially through all four levels to connect with our Source.
This type of meditation will be more successful with a vegetarian diet, because as you raise your consciousness your energy level will activate their chakras to develop their capacities as see, hear and feel. The maintenance of diet and regular meditation is a good way to be a good example for others.
What is mind? The mind is the catalyst that drives the experience up to the level of consciousness. It has no intelligence if, and only created to make the connection with consciousness. The mind is composed of five parts:
1) Memories - current life experiences
2) History - is the information of all past lives and is called the subconscious
3) bedrooms - is recurrent behavior in the accumulation of all life
4) Instincts - is the impetus that pushes the mind and should not be confused with the instinct of a physical body
5) Chord - is the physical part that connects the experience of consciousness. Is the channel used to communicate with the body directly.
The mind is dissolved once the connection is made with our conscience. When the mind leaves our mental body smaller, direct experience of consciousness.
What are the intentions? The mind creates the intentions that can bring awareness to the highest levels during meditation. This is done to attain enlightenment before it dissolves the mind. Your consciousness can communicate directly with the mind and tell you what you want to do. Use this technique to reach the four levels to his "spiritual origin?. There is a five step process for creating a full intention: 1. Set the intention of what we want to achieve. 2. Send the intention to the cosmos. 3. Integrating self-fulfillment, feeling that already exists in you. 4. Apply a process of finalizing the action has been completed, resulting in the present. 5. Then wait for the intention to manifest. This can occur almost immediately in most cases.
Understand who we are
What is spiritual origin? Many people believe that they possess a soul that lives within the deepest part of your body but the soul is capable of spiritual growth. There are, however, much more to the picture that leaves people confused about themselves - even if they have been able to see what is normally hidden from the majority. This confusion may be based on real lack of knowledge about who we are, why we are here, and they are our intentions. But none of these issues can be addressed adequately without the knowledge and perspective of the spirit.
In man, yet there is something that is not an animal, and this is the ability to reason - and because of this ability to reason, man can contact your real "spiritual origin? and know who he is.
The "spiritual origin? is the higher self that contains all the information about the past of our consciousness?. Exists in the cosmos connected to our physical being and is extremely useful in directing our lives toward our own enlightenment. When we connect with our origins, we can reach many levels of enlightenment, which is endless. This occurs through the experience we gather here in the physical plane. Consciousness presents the results of this experience and is able to gather knowledge and develop wisdom.
What is the link? When you find your conscience companion, which means two individual consciousnesses into orbit as a partner in the cosmos. This couple is its complement.
Each partner has a Yin and Yang, a complement. One is the masculine principle and the other the female principle. The Yin is the part of the Wisdom of the Union and the Yang is the method. This is called Yoga Tantra (Highest Yoga Tantra or).
Tantra Yoga is so called because it focuses on the inner yoga meditation method and wisdom, or, alternatively, because it is based on knowledge and understanding of all aspects of the ultimate truth and relative truth deep vast, is emphasizes that the contemplation inseparable links these two truths.
How can we attract to our partner?
Our consciousness creates the power to attract to its complement (partner), that resonates with our energy. Like attracts things that resonate join.
To understand resonance, is a very simple physical model that accurately describes. It is well known in the study of music that resonates energy transfer between two forks tuned to the same frequency. The diagram shows the resonance of this principle. When one of the forks vibrate to represent their intentions and feelings associated with them, the second holder who has the same frequency will begin to vibrate as well. This demonstrates the energy transfer between two people the same way for two holders.
The second chart shows that resonance when two beings, or forks, do not have the same frequency of the vibrations that produce energy transfers do not respond to one another. The diagram shows a low frequency can transfer energy to a higher frequency, however, worth noting that the high-frequency device can not transfer energy to low frequency devices either.
This is an accurate model and shows the need for an individual to raise their own power to communicate with your higher being reaching higher consciousness.
What do we do when we have drawn our add?
The first thing we must learn to recognize our partners. We use a process called 'Me, Myself and I "to determine if our partner. The 'Me, Myself and I' model is to separate itself into three components: the intellect, emotions and physical. The intellect is composed of your thoughts, your beliefs and connections with the higher self. Emotions are all reactions that have current experience and we can differentiate between true emotions and feelings that are properly related to present the experience of time. The physical experience hunger, pain, fatigue, pleasure and physical desires.
The value of this system is to realize that at any given time each of these parts has its own perspective on the experiences that you are involved. By listening to each voice and truly listen to yourself, you can become aware of what experiences resonate with all parts of your being.
You can also tell when only a part of you is attracted to something and the other parties are forced to make concessions. A simple example is when one feels a strong sexual attraction to his partner, emotionally and intellectually connected're not not respect their ideas and views. The nature of these commitments tells one what is far from a harmonious and balanced.
A simple way to do this is to give a scale of 0 to 10 to the three parties with a way to count as one positive point is attracted to the relationship being analyzed. Therefore, a perfect score is 10 +10 +10 = 30, when he meets his real praise. By doing this analysis in a typical relationship, which is rarely found this score. Once you have attracted your partner and recognized, we can begin to increase our ability to accumulate knowledge, energy, and complete our union.
Changes in the bank beginning in 2010 Our financial system was created by the egos of ambitious men intended to distract us from our spiritual enlightenment to benefit men greedy for power. Our economy has been driven by the desire to accumulate wealth and create divisions between people, creating the conditions for war, genocide and suffering.
Although these actions have nothing to do with what is to come, the truth is that the end of this aeon is approaching and we as a world have not understood why we are here and why we are here.
The International Monetary Fund, which controls all international transactions between the bank in this world is going to change the reserve currency to remove a coin that is no longer serving its purpose. The new system will take place based on the gold standard as it was before.
Watch these video collections to understand the truth that is about to take over this year.
"The Crash Course?
What happens in 2012 and what is the polar shift theory?
They claim a relationship between rotation and magnetic polarity of the Earth, which change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal occurs every 400,000 years on average.
One theory that has not been published in the dialog box of global warming is the Polar Shift Theory Maya. Albert Einstein agreed that this effect is happening, and may be responsible for Global Climate Change.
The theory makes all other theories are irrelevant, because the Poles will shift in 2012. This event is catastrophic, including earthquakes, tsunamis and massive destruction total.
The purpose of this creation in the Mayan calendar is December 23, 2012 to the present era. That would be 12-21-12, has to do with the movement of Earth's axis where all the planets aligned. Change the tides and start massive flooding.
Ask around and notice the changes and what they are talking about: people are worried about what might come. They are concerned about the global financial meltdown, an ecological crisis and disruptions in food supply. Radical weather patterns now observed throughout the world are another indication that something is wrong with the world we thought we knew.
What will happen between now and 2012?
Is there any way to take a guess about the challenges that are most likely to appear? This is not a kind of psychic forecasting exercise is based entirely on observation vision.
Global shortage of rare earth metals: The world depends on Rare Earth metals for the manufacture of everything from electric motors for solar panels and computer parts. Wait a global shortage of hard hitting.
Food supply disruptions hit the West: There will be one or more serious disturbances in the supply of food that Americans awakens to the fact that your food will not be as safe or abundant as they had imagined.
The U.S. electricity suffers a catastrophic failure: At some point the U.S. electric regional suffer a catastrophic failure that puts tens of millions of people in the dark. Electricity is a fragile system, waiting to be shot down by a cascade of failures.
Here are some Web sites to help you start your own research:
Find ways on how to bring together a community to help each other. Become green using natural energy resources. Share this information with others in your community, but do not try to manipulate others in the following. Allow all to resonate or not with this information. Be an example and begin to organize and prepare the conditions that allow you to practice meditation.
First connect to your home before you can show others how, including their children. Children will need to be soothed first. Teach breathing exercises to achieve this and then ask your source to guide them through this process. You can ask your source for any kind of help, including his own enlightenment.
When connecting with others, organize themselves into a group that can commit to the goal and the welfare of others for selfishness will not interfere. Doing this together and vow to look after each other as if the whole family. This commitment will last forever in eternity and wherever you are in the whole universe will hold together when necessary.
Here are some suggestions as to what you can do: Start gardens (being vegetarian), creating systems of windmill and solar energy purchase chickens for eggs (protein), finding other sources of protein such as lentils, soybeans cheese, if you have animals that produce milk, otherwise the purchase of powdered milk, grains and canned goods store.
Connecting with your community serves as the protection of foreigners who want to steal or harm. You will know what to do to watch movies about the future that shows how life will change. This has been predicted for many years. Start this process immediately.
Change your life, renounce all material possessions and missions and prioritize their needs and desires. Devote yourselves to lift and save your awareness of annihilation.
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