Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Social Marketing Principle - value before return
Learn the techniques of social marketing is an important tool in your network marketing business. When you work for someone else, much of this is done for you. However, when you have your network marketing business or any home based business for that matter, the challenge of meeting these needs, social marketing will be all yours. Build your business with social marketing is not just learning to deal with people. This is a learning process to provide a value before expecting anything in return.
Until recently, a traditional network marketing business has been built by following leads, find prospects, cold calling, making follow up visits and almost anything else your upline suggested. Most home businesses are built more or less the same. For your business to succeed you must have a source of contacts. Finding the source is extremely time consuming.
Unfortunately, even if you do everything right - even if you invest hours and hours to promote your business, prospects are likely to be tepid at best. The average person can - with a click - access information that includes the negative and positive. Much of this information is opinion based and not necessarily reliable - making it even more difficult to reach the target audience. Like everything else, technology is pushing for a change in how you build your business.
Now, I'm not saying that the old business model no longer works - because I know that people who are still doing well with it. I'm saying that time is at a premium in today's world. Have you noticed that families are much busier than they were, for example - even 20 years ago? There is so much competition in every sphere of family life that the average family simply does not have the time available. They, however, still have that extra income.
The most common option is still - to set a home based business. No travel time, have the advantage of being able to stay at home where you can invest a few hours here and there. But those few hours rarely show enough profit to make a difference. And who wants to add one more thing to an already rich with little to show for it?
Ideally, they need a way to leverage their time by setting up a business using Social Marketing. I learned when I joined Social Marketing Renegade University where I began to study things like blogs, articles, magazines, video and social bookmarking sites. Another thing that was impressed upon us again and again was this statement: the value of first offer - before expecting anything in return.
I drove by a flower market on the way home today. Outside the big billboard, have announced the name of a random person from our community. Every week there's a new path name. That person just needs to stop by the store to receive a dozen roses free: no purchase, no voice, no strings attached. What a marketing plan! Give value before expecting anything in return. Do you think any of those people never go to buy flowers?
My husband has a business plan. Many times it has provided useful information to people looking to buy a piano and offered his expert opinion on whether or not to establish or restore a piano. Not always return to buy from him? Not always. But, you know who offered honest in front of their value. They are then free to consider the information and draw their own conclusions. Again: the value before returning.
This is the principle taught at Renegade University. Always have a value before expecting anything in return. Building your business online with the Social Marketing offers much more than just business tools. Will teach you to offer what people want - and how they want .......
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