Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Applications in prosocial and Antisocial
Prosocial behavior
"Acts done for the benefit of others; ways to respond to them with sympathy, sympathy, cooperation, help, rescue, comforting and delivery or generosity?.
Prosocial behavior and other variables interpersonal have conducted a series of related investigations where prosocial behavior and antisocial with a series of interpersonal variables, such as sociability, leadership, social withdrawal, aggression, and so on. In this regard, we found some significant correlations using factor analysis. For example greater efforts or incentives to help the family, greater socialization of the individual.
Prosocial behavior as an alternative to antisocial behavior: in the last two decades have sought new explanations about the phenomenon of crime, search motivated as much by social factors such as occupational factors.
Applying Bandura's theory of social learning prosocial skills can be developed as an alternative response to aggressive behavior. This method of replacing aggressive behavior prosocial behavior is based on three techniques. First, by modeling the person can see how others behave in socially acceptable ways. Second, because the usual practice of the person practicing such behavior repeatedly and in a tour. Third, planning for success, ie check that person to behave in this way pays off benefits or successes.
The reasons which justify the use of methods for prosocial behaviors are threefold: a) The dehumanization that has led to the development of large cities, b) the enormous development of the media, which have increased the dissemination of information and case limit, and c) a paradoxical increase and decrease the sensitivity of converging society to emergency situations and need experienced by others.
Antisocial behavior
Means or aggressive antisocial behavior, when causes damage to a person or object. Aggressive behavior is intentional and the damage can be physical and / or psychological. In the case of children's aggression usually occurs directly, either in the form of violent act physically (kicking, pushing) and verbal (insults, profanity). But we can also find indirect or displaced aggression whereby the child assaults against the person or object that caused the conflict or aggression contained according to which the child gestures, scream, against the noxious stimulus.
Aggressive outbursts are a normal feature of childhood but some children persist in their aggressive behavior and his inability to control his cranky. Such children do their parents and teachers suffer, being frequently frustrated living children rejected by their peers can not avoid their behavior.
Treatment of behavioral disturbances.
There are several treatments in which empirical evidence about their effectiveness and are revealed as promising for the treatment of children with behavior problems.
The parents' educational training has proved very effective in reducing aggressive and provocative behavior of the boys. After parent training, behavior of children with behavior problems (at home and at school) down to the same rates of their non-problematic.
Behavior therapy is very effective (further increasing its effectiveness when combined with parental training) for the treatment of specific behaviors. Such therapies should be applied under special center dedicated to foster care, treatment and rehabilitation of children with such disorders.
In the cognitive and defiant are a promising way. For now the data available show that its effects on aggressive behavior or behavioral changes on daily life are better than those that produce the aforementioned therapies.
Pharmacologically there is no specific treatment for conduct disorder and / or aggressive behavior. The union of behavior modification techniques and certain drugs (haloperidol / lithium carbonate, and even amphetamines) has produced interesting changes in aggressive behavior. Unfortunately these changes have been observed in isolated cases, and have not proven to be permanent.
Vander, J. (1986). Handbook of social psychology. Barcelona: Polity Press.
Hoffman, L., Paris, D. and Hall, E. (1996). Developmental psychology today. Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
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