Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our eyes can not understand

Child eating crumbs of anguish, and the bird waiting ...

Our eyes can not understand what they see in this striking image: a poor boy eating bread crumbs scattered on the floor, while a bird ... It's expected poverty and starvation after, at the beginning of XXI century. How long will we consent to starvation? The rest of us plenty of everything in our houses ... And all this we call culture (culture of death, I would say a), globalization, freedom, democracy, human rights, equal opportunity ... Lying as villains! ...

In view of the economic hardship we are experiencing, in view of so much poverty, human beings, who have their own bedrooms on the streets, the sight of so much war by promoting and encouraging major arms manufacturers (EE . UU., Germany, France, UK, Spain ...), in view of so much social injustice that does not allow work to those who need it, within a free market economy prevailing in the whole world in view of so many 'free firing' ...: we must ask whether, indeed, there is something called and named as' progress' and where is it, to revive "a universal history of mankind ', which is binding on all countries of the world, and to march in one direction alone.

The universal history of mankind would be consistent, if respected and establish the three steps or rungs in which he has to settle any 'democratic society' that claims to be, namely, upper class, middle class and lower class.

All are fears and lies, lies and fears are all marching together in a perfect gear that no one knows where it will lead. They are good and bad together, sisters who come together to walk through the worlds of God, and who sow black crepe, by way of holes, the geography. We may be blind arrogance, we may have forgotten virgin tears, perhaps we facing a world without any control or regulation under the sign of corrupt politicians, there are.

There is no doubt that liberal democracies in which we believed and we believe, have not been able to solve serious problems latent in contemporary societies XXI century: the world of drugs, the 'homeless', the prevailing famine on five continents, youth crime, international terrorism, the frivolity of consumerism (the latter spoiled us): it introduced by multinationals for their personal enrichment and excessive, being abusive in many cases.

He gets up every day thinking one and thought of this suffering middle class, and there always will be, and must exist to serve as a check-in the struggle for life that remain, side by side, and remain- between the upper and lower class: why anyone would rip your clothes belonging to the lower class, economically speaking.

And is that such low-formed in many occasions by competent and suffering, humble people, who happen to be people, ie people with principles and respect and fulfill duties like a charm with the inherent rights of every citizen ... He understands you, and understand all aforementioned middle class that counterbalances and bulwark between the top (upper class) and below (lower class) are subject to early pride, the latter redirects them pride . In this way, no doubt, those who are pilgrims march of life united by this that we live every day. Arrogance and pride, pride and arrogance, we must try to be in complete harmony with each other.

And is that with the "God of all religions," all are equal: engineers, doctors, cardinals, workers dressed in divers persons, beggars ... Then the middle class has to play an important role in linking the above- in power that produces the wealth-with the bottom-forgotten and neglected, often-that are not achieving the minimum welfare state to lead a normal life without suffering hunger and homelessness. (We have always understood "Class Media "to that group of citizens who occupy an intermediate position between the rich opulence and deprivation of the poor.)

Passing the border of our freedom will always come to a disruption of our state of mind: the fear that has come, and virtually everyone we've had at some time in our mortal life. And it is clear that, at the present time, the streets around the world have become, and now the Spanish, in scenarios where any of us can be docked, raped, harassed, insulted ... and in many cases, we must fight for our own survival, drawing strength from our inner adrenaline shoots lightning speed ... and that fear is free. Many times we have the freedom to reach our hands, and nobody wants to give.

Talk about: freedom, which inevitably leads us all together to fight for a democracy to be revived in Europe in particular-and the world as well. It seeks to establish a 'system of society' in which the rich are a little less rich and the poor are a little less poor. If the first primary not accept this proposition, no doubt, the latter never raised his head. (On one occasion I asked Mr. Rodriguez Zapatero, President of the Spanish-if I knew how much a coffee, "Eighty cents," he replied. This answer is apparent that our current Prime Minister is a rich man.)

We now polish-in true policy-distribution of wealth, not to show those worlds of God ... completely malnourished bodies walking towards death ... This is our consumer society in which we are immersed and blind eyes see not and ears that do not want to ever hear. But, hoping a change of course, that change the course of our lives, we continue to enrich us with the oil of the Arab / Muslim ... that drive the world economies.

But the United States of America, which have created a world-wrong-sided, have finally realized that they have nothing to do in Iraq or Afghanistan, but the fighting troops, for the moment will not come home (?) . During 2006 we have made millstones commune with the countries of the rest of the Earth, in a trip of no return ... with dark overtones and dark to retrieve a new world order.

And speaking my eyes, I said: The coexistence of Spanish with each passing day it becomes more difficult among the Spanish, say, among politicians, read: Zapatero and Rajoy, Zapatero and Rajoy. Both have made their political vanities meet again, encouraging his political ideas appear contaminated. Both hold positions opposite to the identity of Spain, which is the Spanish-and are making excessive political opportunism guidelines to try to win the next elections in 2012 ...

Yes I feel free, I must say-when I take my stroller and head for the field: an old and good friend of mine, already named as 'my field'. I stop to have a good time, reading books that we all love to read, and comforted us greatly. And this field contains beautiful and leafy trees, and birds and wildflowers and poppies, the flowers of good, not evil, that I remember loving old love poems, and that by listening to them, caressing my ears and I magnify the soul. The flowers of the good that they become one in a dreamy young or old, which makes the horizon of life show us yet to be discovered, making flower-seeds in our intellect and kindness-love, lost in the bowels of earth, because there forgot them when my hands felt the coldness of the ice ... Here, in my field, dream and desire to find something soon called and named as' progress', because I know it exists, to revive 'a history universal humanity ', which is binding on all countries, and to march in one direction alone.

La Coruña, May 1, 2011

Mariano is a writer Cabrero Copyright

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