Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Future of Humanity is Here

All human beings are distinguished virtues. The crux lies in the emphasis generally and how to establish an order of priorities.

This is one of the foundations of the new system for dialogue and harmony between cultures, religions, social and new approaches.

The solution to the moral chaos, economic, social and current policy is to move towards an inclusive civilization, united, to condense the great diversity of cultural traditions in the world as one human family. This should be valued the contributions made by all cultures, not only for what they have achieved in themselves with their priorities, but what those achievements can offer the global community. Each country has given to the world something specific, a uniqueness that has enriched the human being.

Basic contributions to humanity


Aristotle: The virtues (generosidad. ..)

Plato: The ideals of truth, beauty and goodness ...

Judaism: The ethical monotheism, providence, prophets ...

Christianity: faith, sacrificial love, unconditional love ...

Rome: Law and the laws ...

England: The empirical method, constitutional rights ...

Spain: Globalization (the first trip around the world ...)

America: Freedom, human rights, individualism, diversity, multicultural ...

Capitalism: individual initiative, free market ...

Socialism: Internationalism, economic justice ...

Democracy: Freedom, self-government, participation ...

Islam: Obedience to God, racial harmony ...


Buddhism: The self-discipline, compassion ...

Confucianism: The family, personal integrity, ethical ...

Taoism: Harmony ...

Hinduism: The Science of Self within ...

Jainism: Non-violence ...

Africa: Community Solidarity ...

The Indians

Americans: The environmental awareness ...

Shamanism: The spirit world ...

Harmonizing these achievements is to be fighting for Peace and Unity, which in turn results in altruism, solidarity, to realize the ideal of true family through the purity and permanence of its essence, killing loneliness and negative individualism, practice cooperation and reconciliation between religions and nations, and promote spiritual leadership, moral and according to divine values ​​unifying.

The UN has actually reach all corners of the planet, all leaders and all and every human beings to recognize its validity and sovereignty, eliminating the boundaries in all places on Earth, maintaining the sovereignty of the widest nations possible without radical nationalism. A revolutionary organization, new, without the feet of clay that now wears.

Today, money corrupts everything. Health itself is mediated by large economic interests of the pharmaceutical industry. Diseases are invented and used fear to swell the bank accounts of a few. The planet needs a radical change and a new system. Although at first seem very ideal, this solution is just: gather all the good and inclusive of the contributions of the peoples of the Earth in all its history and to build a new system to replace the already depleted and many deaths, pandemics, crisis, environmental disasters and moral breakdown, mental and economic causes of humanity, weary of having this useless current subsistence.

This new global approach you first respect the mandate of the heart and conscience to protect the most sacred: Love, life and lineage (line of transmission of the life of the parents or ancestors to descendants).

Another point to consider is how to deal with differences and the issues that divide the large social communities.

Freedom of expression

Recall the second paragraph of the preamble and Article 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states:

2 nd Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of man, the advent of a world in which humans freedom from fear and want, enjoy freedom of speech and freedom of belief.

ARTICLE 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change religion or belief, and freedom to manifest religion or belief, individually or collectively, in public private, teaching, practice, worship and observance.

ARTICLE 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes freedom to hold because of their opinions, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers, by any means expression.

"I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to express it." (Voltaire)

It is a challenge to all humanity this approach, creating a truly new system based on tolerance, respect and unity of looks the same and common future.

Bases of the new global system: "FUTURHUMANO"

Some subjects are not worth a confrontation. The wise man is not only known but which he knows to put things into place. It will give everything the attention it deserves without excess. The wise will disagree on many issues but recognize that only some very essential deserve the dedication of the whole man. Tolerate minor errors, because a combative attitude would bring greater evils. The fundamentalist, however, is capable of giving life or "required" by minor issues. Not every problem known to put in place.

Tolerance and respect for the dignity of the people are well above the "certainties" that each group could seek to impose by force on fellow citizens. The wise will try to defend their ideas against what it considers errors of their fellow citizens but will have to do with the media that allows democratic legality. The radical, instead of using democratic channels used violent methods to achieve their goals. The fanatic, radical, the dictator thinks that "the end justifies the means."

It is necessary to separate the sin from the sinner. Although we must be intolerant and reject evil, vice and sin, always and without exception must respect and love unconditionally the person committing such evil acts. We abhor the vices, not people. In doing so we fulfill the commandment to "love your enemies" can be experienced only when we distinguish, discern and separate the person from their actions. Thus it is possible to reject evil and be intolerant of it, however, be tolerant and understanding of the perpetrator. The fact that essentially we are all children of God makes each person is always worth estimate. The other is my brother and therefore I accept it with all its weaknesses.

When we delve into the study of different cultures and religions and compare its teachings and practices essentially recognize that most share common spiritual values, as well as certain basic beliefs, such as recognizing the existence of God, the Creator of all what exists, but define it in different terms and give different attributes, the belief in life after the death of our physical body and that we live in a selflessly for the common good and happiness of others. Looking like this simple, there are many obstacles in the dialogue, understanding and cooperation between groups and individuals belonging to different cultural, spiritual and religious. And the use poĆ­ticos contribute to the separation and alienation. Down with politicians as they are conceived until now.

The road to understanding, understanding and unity will come to the extent that every deepen our own faith, our beliefs and traditions. Only when we rise to a sobering indeed ideal through deepening our spirituality, we begin to see the same landscape and common value we share with those who walk a different path, but with whom we share the same ideals and values, and which ultimately will find the Truth and Universal Love.

Also, at the same time, each and every one of us must walk our own spiritual path, each is responsible for search and find the truth, and to meet and unite with God by their own efforts. That's something nobody can do for another, and each one has to face up according to their circumstances. So we need to have patience and wisdom to tolerate and accept willingly walk the other way and differences with others, be they racial, cultural or religious.

That is and has been the attitude of the mystic, who is the great hope for dialogue and interreligious cooperation. The mystic is not necessarily who lives apart from the world outside and to focus only on God, but one who sees reality with "the eyes of God."

The mystics of all religions, but sometimes express aspects of their religion, they understand, because they speak the same language: the love of God. Like all mystics are raised to God, and God is One, everyone looks upon the world in a similar way. God unites in him all creation and all who approach Him A mystic mystical because it includes other are at the same point of view: that of God. Therefore, the prayer meetings between members of different religions themselves are not difficult and very helpful. At the same time, do not fall into fundamentalism bitterly because they recognize the distance that still separates them from God.

The true mystics are people greatly detached from God because they have understood what is important. His desire is placed in God alone. So live selflessly for the benefit of others.

First have to unify the ideologues of all persuasions, keeping its rituals, its contributions to society, its core values. So the mystics of all religions to be the first to take steps in this unification because they understand and everyone can see only institutions as vehicles for their religion. This attitude often find it difficult to be considered heretical. Come to the institution not an end but a means to reach God. Do not despise but appreciate that very much. But the value as a means and as a means.

If we do not develop a heart of true universal love and unity, we run the risk of ending up believing that salvation consists in imposing our ideas on others, rather than seeking the unification of mankind under the principles of true love of God through appreciation, recognition and pursuit of all good and original which already exists and is present in us (his children) as representatives of various traditions and cultures.

It may be more or less religious, but the Future of Humanity is Oneness and omo God is invisible and intangible, his words often come to us through His messengers, agents and brokers. Therefore, there is always the danger in them and all of us (if we're not really in communion with God) to speak lightly in the "name of God," the arrogance of believing ourselves the sole possessors of the "absolute truth" and the danger of maintaining an attitude of exclusivism, triumphalism and superiority, which seeks the conversion, subjugation and submission of all others. That may be beneficial in evangelical campaigns to gain members, but can be a very dangerous trend for the future. It was this attitude of superiority, contempt and intolerance that has historically been responsible for many persecutions of the Inquisition and the unfortunate religious wars, in which both parties believe they were killed defending the true faith and that God was on their side . As Jonathan Swift said: "We have enough religion to hate each other, but do not have enough religion to love one another."

In a recent research, Dr. Frank Kaufmann notes that "30 Years War" in Europe in the seventeenth century, initiated for religious reasons, exterminated 20% of the population, compared with the Second World War marked the extermination of 3% of the population.

We must acknowledge God in many places, endiferentes people and different cultures, both now and in the past, not only exclusively through our particular religion as believed and many still believe. That reminds me of the words in 1893, more than one hundred years in Chicago before the Parliament of World Religions by the Indian sage Vivekananda: "Something similar happens with religion. The Christian is not going to become Hindu or Buddhist or a Hindu or a Buddhist is to become a Christian. But each must assimilate the spirit of others and yet preserve their individuality and identity and should grow according to its own law of growth. " He continues: "If the Parliament of Religions has shown anything to the world is this: that holiness, purity and charity are not exclusive possessions of any church or religion in the world, and that each religious tradition has created men and women highest character. Given this undeniable evidence, if anybody dreams of the exclusive survival of his own religion and the destruction of others, I pity that person from the depths of my heart, and point out that despite the resistance early in the banner of every religion is written: Help and not fight, "assimilation and not destruction," "harmony and peace, not discord." All that separates us and divides (creeds, sacraments hierarchies, ideologies, denominations, religions) have little value or meaning in the eternal spiritual world.

In the eyes of God, we are still very intransigent, narrow, blind, forgetting essential things and too busy with matters in another dimension, they are childish.

It is said that the astronauts, when they behold the earth from space, during the first weeks look only their own country during the second week are identified by their continent, and that from the third week, feel they belong to a single planet . Maybe they give a condensed form the process of humanity, from the tribal instinct, whose sense of belonging to a group tends to be exclusive of others, to a progressive widening of the horizon of world brotherhood.

The intransigence must be abhorred. The uncouth nomenclature and labels and boxes do not work. The new system is the synthesis of the best of all previous systems. It is the FUTURHUMANO. We must work together to achieve unity of God's world and no congener suffer from hunger or curable disease. Not for lack of means. If we do this voluntarily, we will impose the demands of new generations, and the many unprecedented spiritual forces are operating in the world that are already rebelling against economic abuse, social and political thugs who each increasingly are being killed with his own emptiness. Shape Global celebrate the year 2022.

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