Friday, August 10, 2012

Tavita, became aware


Tavita was a girl from a rural area, the country does not matter, since there are millions of Tavitas, scattered throughout the world, they all have a common denominator, grew up listening to stories of crows, which appeared four years, and frasesazucaradas, stirred and promise.

Since Tavita has memory, and this goes back to the nine, recalls with great bitterness that could not attend school, he had to work on selling tortillas in town, and walking long distances avoiding all the dangers, the hills and stormy paths. Tavita, firmly withstood the weather Even today his face is burned, roasted by the sun's rays. Recalls and endured the storm and is proud to have overcome the river, as after every storm it grew and had to cross by swimming and ensure they did not get wet tortillas.

Incredibly this story, let me say that is true. What stories are unfortunate yniños girls around the corner, or in their noses. What the siguenllamando "elementary" "primordial" and, quote, to get them elvoto has become abusive government, and I dare reproducirun sentence appeared in an anonymous street painting "we mean and mediosdicen rains." And I quote to the media because the old Tavita radio attached to his grandfather, could not believe how? spoke of his beloved village of large booms and booms. When reality is another.

Tavita was growing, observing, analyzing the past of their grandparents, their parents and present. Tavita learned to read and write, because it propuso.Sabe big with certainty that every four years is the same. That in all this time has been key lapalabra "democracy" which means nothing. If nothing else, porquenada is what has come to town. Not surprisingly José Saramago said, "today's democracies are kidnapped, conditional amputated. The democraciasolamente is a reference." I would say is a term, which ended with máspobres.

Tavita, not knowing who is Saramago, agreed with him. Today is 59 years old and the maturity of years and provide what they have seen his eyes, certainly says "Nuestrosgobiernos-disproportionate, do not consider the welfare of the people. Our oppressive governments, seeking to make a fortune, and give comfort to its close. Our unjust governments, they care if I have teeth, they care if I have something to eat. A false-nuestrosgobiernos fall for them that moral values, because they engender chaos Lasombra depravity and torture. Our malvadosles urges governments-that mediocrity prevails in the village. "

Tavita known to call "inland" that places as "lowly," "poor," "peasant" At fifty-nine years, has toothless gums, her gray hair, curved bones, you know what involves being evicted from hopes and dreams. But not resigned. You have the right to vote, not to follow his game, to dream that one day work to live with dignity. Not resigned and proclaimed the lady of the mountains, laguardiana natural resources, which teaches others to read, aescribir, develop critical thinking.

This is Tavita which nevertheless, gained consciousness.

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