Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Stretch marks in pregnancy - explains the secret of Mothers who hold the skin's natural elasticity

Given that the grooves are formed, as we know, the product of undue traction on the skin, so that the fibers of the dermis begin to crack and tear, in pregnant women should take special care with your skin from have those ugly marks, or striae in pregnancy, which are after.

And if it is true that pregnancy is one of the most beautiful periods that pass by the female members, no one likes to pay the stretch marks, however healthy they are. Furthermore, taking care of our skin when we are pregnant, not only will improve our self-esteem, but our child will feel the pats do and grow better.

Skin moisturizing

It is important to keep skin moisturized and hydrated most of the time. Our "tenant" is consuming a large amount of nutrients from our bloodstream, so the control of dry skin is a central factor to consider.

Moreover, in areas where pressure increases and the weight being put on our skin, stomach and abdomen, breasts and armpits, buttocks and legs and hips. With weight gain as a result of pregnancy, they tend to be the most sensitive areas with which we must be especially careful.

The neutral and hydrating moisturizers are recommended for stretch marks in pregnancy, since everything we incorporate into our skin will be absorbed by it, entering the bloodstream and end up going straight to our baby. We take special care with the type of chemical that we feed our skin, and is highly recommended to use treatments that are natural, fruit, vegetables and seeds, while we eat enough quality water to our skin, our baby's health and ours.

To see how stretch marks are removed in a few weeks, using ingredients you probably already in your kitchen, click here.

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