Thursday, August 9, 2012

Psychotherapist. Definition and Attitude

A / a psychotherapist, is a person with special skills and abilities gained through their academic training and experience (experience), that work provides. This work is best when it favors the development by and for the person himself, in a sense similar to the "maieutics" (Socratic technique to teach through the questions that lead to the discovery of the secret person or the truth of topic discussed in class). Place to do therapy or treatment goals, tends to benefit the psychotherapeutic process. These meetings must observe professional secrecy: the talk in session can not be reported to others. On the other hand, a therapy presupposes a field of contention, listening, not required, or impairment of any aspect of the inner world of the client.

Within psychotherapy there is a wide variety of psychological schools. However, you can place two common characteristics:

The direct and personal contact, both verbal and on-verbal.La "therapeutic relationship", ie, a relationship designed to generate a real cure an upset inside.

Essential attitude of a good psychotherapist

It has to do with the basic attitude of a good psychotherapist, none of these positions: threatening, judging, ridiculing, insulting, send, manipulate, moralizing, comforting, blackmail, blaming, advice solutions, interpret content, catalog or praising behaviors.

Empathic listening, this is one of the great secrets of a good therapeutic process. Listen, for both the client and the professional pose "look" where something may be causing discomfort.

A good psychotherapist, makes it stand out and use their own resources, you feel responsible for your changes, wonders how and whys and not just because.

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