Saturday, August 11, 2012

Breakthrough Marketing Strategies Revealed - 2 Tier Affiliate Programs

The base system is to have a website, an autoresponder to capture and guide a product or service to promote. Then the job is reduced to drive traffic to your website. So far so good, you have fulfilled all the conditions, you have a website, you have the automatic response, you have visitors, but still are not making money.

Then you should look at your product. If not vendible, if not convert visitors into buyers, then all your work is in vain. Need to get a performance product or service to promote your voice, or as an affiliate.

And here comes the hard part. The smart guys are collecting 2 tier affiliate programs, which increase their income simply by referring people to an affiliate program. That's why you should know how the 2-level affiliate programs work. And also, you need to know the difference between different types of traffic you can get paid.

The 2 tier affiliate programs are known under a lot of names, COM, CPC, CPA, CPL, CPD, CPM means cost per impressions, etc., (where the owner of a public web site or add a banner on his web site and is paid each time the banner / add is shown), and CPC means cost per click, (where the website owner publish a banner or an add-in and is paid every time you clicked on the banner or text link up).

The rest of the methods are known under the name of marketing performance. As an affiliate marketer you need to send visitors to another site and get paid when visitors take action. The name of the general CPA or cost per action. Of course, there are different types of action, such as CPL, (meaning that the cost per lead, and the action is an advantage, a subscription to a membership site, service, etc.), CPS (which means the cost for sales, and the action is a sale), CPD (meaning that the cost per download), and other variants.

Another meaning of the term CPA is cost per acquisition, and the term is generally used and the cables or sales campaigns. However, the idea is that you should send visitors to a landing page in which some action is required by visitors, is an advantage, a sale or download.

With the promotion of a two-tier affiliate program is also paid a percentage of the amount of people you refer becomes an affiliate is paid when the highlight of this program. When one of your visitors to act on one of the sites promoted, also has the opportunity to become an affiliate for the same product, and when referring to another people in the program and act, which is paid the percentage of his earnings is yours. This means two-level affiliate program.

There are also two affiliate networks that pay commissions of living standards. If you are promoting long-term services with a monthly fee, you will get a percentage of that fee every month, as long as lead remains a member in charge of that site.

Before signing for a two-tier affiliate program, I recommend you do some searching around and see how serious the program is to be solved. Ask people who were or are still members, ask them why they left the program are gone, etc. Also find out if you pay regularly.

Another thing you should be informed of an affiliate program or network is the percentage you pay for the first level and the first level. Then compare different programs to find out which is the standard in your niche. Discover if they pay for a month or a lifetime, what payment system they use and when used to pay affiliates.

After finding everything there is to know about a 2 Tier affiliate program to see if it's OK for you and start making money today and tomorrow with a single effort. If you need additional information on affiliate marketing visit my site .......

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