Friday, September 7, 2012

Good to Great - 5 Tips to Grow Your Business

Many people have bought and read the book Good to Great by Jim Collins. He has already sold over 2 million copies and is the number one best seller.

For those of you who have never heard of, is a book that shows some of the best companies (according to criteria mentioned in the book), and compares them with "good" companies. It then shows that companies have, that other companies "confrontation" did not.

It 's in an exhibition format, so that applications are not directly indicated. The companies are large organizations in dollars multi-million/billion so that results can vary with small businesses. However, that said, there are still many applications that small businesses can get from the book.

Here are some practical ways that can help your small business, using the techniques mentioned in the book.

1) Department employees to take

When looking for business partners, managers or any other employee who will have a significant impact on your business, make sure you are really good ones. If potential employees who are not perfect, do not hire them. It 'much easier to turn down an employee, and assume a new, rather than a shoot, and then hire a new one.

2) Become a Great Leader

In Good to Great have to describe something called a Level 5 leader. Essentially a level 5 leader is a person who has significant power will and humility. The other feature of "level 5 leader" is that they have a lot of attention to business success. They are very ambitious, however, the ambition is used primarily for business success. In any society, "Great," there was a "level 5 leader" at the top. If you are the owner of the business, an officer, employee or other important, try to become a Level 5 leader.

3) Know your core values ​​Enterprises

Everyone and every company has something that you are passionate. Something for the benefit of the world, and that they enjoy being part of it. You should try to focus your business around this passion.

You should find the one thing that your company feels it is valuable to the company, and use that as the block for the growth of your company. Not necessarily have to be a lot of things, you must not do anything good in the world, but you only have one thing that people benefit. This makes you enjoy your employees and your company, and want to work there because they know they are making a difference in the world.

No matter what your core values ​​of the companies are, it's just important that they exist. For example, WalMart does not care about quality, as some other companies, however, one of their core values ​​is to offer products at an affordable price. Another example is Phillip Morris. They had the fundamental value of health integrated into society, but one thing that was very important to them, was right there to smoke.

4) being the best at something

The "big" companies to understand what could be the best, and have done just that. If you can not become the best fast food restaurant, so do not sell fast food. If you are not the best in that market, then people will buy from the person who is the best.

It is necessary to offer the best price, quality, service, or something else that makes your company better than another in some way. If you can not do this, then you must try a completely new industry to enter.

5) Avoid rigid hierarchy

This usually is not too much of a problem with small businesses, however, does not still happen from time to time, especially since the company began to grow. You must ensure that your company does not become too bureaucratic, otherwise, you end up getting very little accomplished.

I highly recommend reading the book Good to Great, and that you look for techniques that can apply in your own small business. The book will make much more sense of this article .......

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